Topic: Living in Love

Black History, Black Lives

With voices from Unitarian Universalism’s past and present, we lift up stories of struggle, courage, redemption, and hope: stories that challenge us to create community “where all souls are welcome as blessings, and the human family lives whole and reconciled.”

Compassion and Presence

When someone we care about is struggling, it’s often hard to know how to be with them. We get tempted to problem-solve, to take on their emotions, or to distance ourselves. But those things often don’t help. Teachings from Buddhist traditions offer us a profound way to be present to suffering.

Beloved Community, Then and Now

This Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend we reflect on King’s vision of Beloved Community: in 1966 and in 2016. We’ll hear from veterans of the Civil Rights movement and activists in Black Lives Matter about the spirituality of social change.

Savor the World

As the world speeds up, it can get harder to slow down. How do we remind ourselves to breathe, to notice, to take it all in, to process our experiences? Even as we work to save the world, how do we stop and savor it?