Speaker: Rev. Lilia Cuervo

Rev. Lilia Cuervo continues to be a steady and welcome presence as one of our regular speakers. She has an extensive body of work as a Unitarian-Universalist Minister.
The Rev. Lilia Cuervo, a native of Colombia, was the first Latin American woman ordained in the Unitarian Universalist denomination. At First Parish in Cambridge, she made history by being the first woman to be installed as a Parish Minister. She is a co-founder of the Latino/a UU Networking Association (LUUNA), and the initiator of and translator of several pieces for Las Voces del Camino, the Spanish language Unitarian Universalist hymnal.
When things get difficult, it’s easy to find someone else to blame. But on the other hand, it’s also easy to blame ourselves too much. How do we have the spiritual wisdom to recognize what’s our part of the mess—no more, no less—and take responsibility for making a change?
Join us for this reflection on love, sexuality, and spirituality in our lives. Whether single or partnered, straight, bi, or gay, cisgendered or trans, our sexuality is a significant and life-giving part of who we are spiritually.